Monday, October 6, 2008

Handprint Spiders

Spiders can be adorable! As long as they are made from your little one's hand prints and not crawling around your house.

For the first step of this project, we did some marble painting to create the look of a spider's web.

I then painted the kid's hands, except for the thumb.

Press your child's hand on the paper.

Paint the other hand as well and press it on the paper facing the opposite direction.

Last, we added reinforcement labels for the eyes. Aren't they sweet?


  1. love your handprint spiders we are doing toddler theme thursday tomorrow for hand/feet crafts you ought to come and post a link to this in the morning!

  2. these are so cute! i'm really going to try to get my LO to let me paint her hands! maybe we will try after big sis gets back from school! cuz she will try anything if big sis does too!:)

  3. Same thing with my girls. If one sees the other doing it, they fight over who is first.


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