Friday, October 31, 2008

Trick or Treat Night

Well, we had a great time out trick or treating last night. Though we were a bit chilly (Madelyn did not stop shivering for an hour after we got home) We still had a blast. Again this year I took the kids out with a friend who has 4 boys. So with our 7 combined trick or treaters we scurried around town searching for houses who were handing out the treats. The kids did pretty good. Only 2 falls this year with no injuries. That's pretty good for our group. As usual I was having camera troubles and have no pics. That's okay, maybe it will work for tonight. We will be going to trick or treat at Nana and Poppy's and Grammy and Pappy Lynn's. Also, our church is having Light The Night for the kids. There are lots of activities and food for everyone. It should be fun, if..........the vomiting stops before then. Yes, it's now Felicia's turn to be sick and of course it all started at 5 am in my bed. The poor thing. Mady had it a few days ago and it was gone by the afternoon. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that she doesn't have to miss the fun tonight.

1 comment:

  1. Aww, hope everyone is feeling so much better! It's so hard when your kids are sick, you just want them to be better. Sounds like lots of fun plans though!


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