Friday, October 3, 2008

What's Going On?

Well, as usual we are very busy. Mike is of course working 7 days a week (because he is a workaholic). Michael is in football and has practice every weekday. When he is not at football he is usually with friends or his girlfriend. We don't see him that much because, after all he is a teenager, and I am not too old to remember those days, so I can't complain. Brandon, well, he is a very hard worker like his dad and on most weekends he is at Nana and Poppy's helping them with whatever they need or just going to the flea market with Pop to make a buck:) He just recently got glasses and really looks handsome in them (he will be so embarrassed if he reads this). Aaron has been very busy too. He has 3 full days of Cyber School per week and one day with only 1 class. Tuesday he has a free day and helps me out A LOT. We bake together, he helps me do projects with the little kids, and we have a lot more time just to hang out. That is what Aaron really needs. Felicia has been going to preschool 2 days a week and I am "homeschooling" 3 days a week. She is becoming more adjusted to preschool and I don't see tears anymore when I drop her off. Thank goodness, it's a lot harder being the one dropping off as opposed to the one "receiving" the child. I know from experience that they stop crying the minute you leave, but that doesn't make it easier. Madelyn has also been doing preschool activities at home, but would really like to be in "big School". She is also mommy's little helper at home, taking care of the babies. I could not do it without her:) Well, as for me, I run this circus. It's certainly a lot harder then it was when I went to work everyday. But, I wouldn't change it for the world!

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