Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Christmas of Dreams Blog Party Day 1

Today is the kickoff of Momdot's Christmas of Dreams Blog Party! Woohoo! Everyone loves a party right?

So here goes: I am now to introduce you to my family and show pics from holidays past.

These are my kiddos altogether without fighting (that does not happen very often). In order from oldest to youngest, we have Michael, Brandon, Aaron, Felicia, and Madelyn. This was taken in 2006.

This is the aftermath of Christmas morning 2007.

This picture is my dad and my hubby removing the door of the powder room after my son Brandon was stuck in there during our Christmas Eve get together. Oh the memories of my boy screaming for help. Never a dull moment around here.

Sorry, no pics of me because I am always behind the camera.
Day one of the Christmas of Dreams blog party is sponsored by La Belle Toile and This and That by Randi.


  1. all of your babies are beautiful! Don't you love the fact that you spend days/weeks wrapping gifts and it is over in an hour flat, lol!!

  2. LOL, I love the aftermath picture. Looks familiar!

  3. I love the bathroom one, we've had that happen once ourselves.

  4. Love the aftermath picture! I have 5 kiddos too, so I can totally understand how hard it is to get a picture of them all together lol.

  5. Thanks so much for the comment you left on my blog! Today's questions has really let me know just how bad I need new professional pictures! Wow, you are a mom of 5? You are my hero!! I have four kids - 3 boys and 1 girl and I want another one so bad. I think I am getting closer to having my husband get on board! LOL Your pictures are great. I LOVE the one where your husband and Dad taking the door off. That SO seems like something that would happen at my house. Love your blog and will definitely be visiting again. ;)

  6. It amazes me how fast and easily our kids can get into trouble. ;-) I loved the pictures

  7. I love Christmas aftermath pictures! I just wish I could remember to take one!

  8. I love that you thought to snap a picture of the door fiasco! Sometimes we only take "happy" pictures and yet it is pics like those you will be able to laugh at for years to come :-)

  9. omgosh, that is a TRIP about the door!


  10. HAHAHA...that is too funny about the door!

  11. Your photos made me smile! I can see my son being one to lock himself in somewhere (well, it's already happened once). I don't look forward to the aftermath of holidays, all that clean up.

  12. What a nice big family! I love it!

  13. You have a nice looking family. It is never a dull moment around here either.

  14. Thanks for commenting on my blog. I am always telling my husband to take pictures of me with our son because I would like my son to have documented proof that I was at all these events in his life...not just being the camera person. :) You've got an adorable family.

  15. Oh no! He got stuck? That is hilarious.

  16. Yea....we have those types of moments...glad we're not the only ones. :)

    Kimberly @

  17. Oh the's like a good sugar rush!!

  18. Never a dull moment, that's for sure!

  19. Beautiful kids! Oh no, your little one got stuck in the bathroom! That's awful!

  20. I am always behind the camera too!! Love the aftermath pic!

  21. Doesn't everyone lock their kid in the bathroom for Christmas Eve? I could have sworn it was a widely held tradition! Oh well! Thanks for the late night chuckle!

  22. LOL! Stuck in the bathroom!

    Thanks for visiting my blog!

  23. Too funny! I can't believe you had to remove the door. Great picture of all the kids!

  24. These are some of the best photos yet! I love all the wrapping paper & then the door one is kind of funny. Sorry to your little boy though, my daughter had that happen before!

  25. The Aftermath--that looks really familiar to me!! And removing the bathroom door on Christmas Eve--that's a CLASSIC!!

    Thank you for stopping by my blog today!!

  26. Love the picture of the present aftermath. My husband comes form a neat freak, so he has to bag paper as it comes off the presents. Cracks me up every year.

  27. Wow...removing a door on Christmas Eve...that'll be one to remember

  28. Your present aftermath looks very familiar to me ... lol. Happy holidays!

  29. Great picture of the guys taking off the bathroom door!

  30. Getting stuck in the bathroom...sounds like something that would happen here.

    Although, it would probably be me, and I wouldn't be "stuck" haha!

    You have a beautiful family!

  31. Don't you love how we spend so long wrapping to just have them rip paper and spread it all over the place. But it wouldn't be christmas without it. HAHAHA my little girl is rocking out to your music on your page.

  32. My server at work doesn't let me post comments to your blog, so I have to do this at the end of the day from home. Anyhoo...

    That door story is hilarious. How the heck did he get stuck in there? A great one to tell the dates he brings home when he's older.


Thanks for visiting! Come back again!