Monday, November 3, 2008

Finally A New Camera

Yes, it's true. The love of my life finally bought me a new camera. I guess all my grumbling and whining worked, because he went out today and got it. I am so excited! It will be so refreshing to be able to turn my camera on instantly. My old one would not turn on without pushing the power button, I don't know, maybe 20 or more times. Then just as you were about to take the picture, it would just completely shut down. Ya know how crazy that would make me. Trick or treat night, I tried and tried to get the thing to come on, to no avail. When we returned home and the kids looked trashed, it came right on. Words can not describe how angry I was (well, I'm sure there are words for it but I don't want to be a potty mouth). Anywho, I plan to take lots of pictures tomorrow after I charge my battery, so be prepared for a photo blowout. I'm just so excited!!!!!


  1. Sounds awesome, cant wait, I love pictures!

  2. Hmmmn cant wait to see your snapshots.. I love taking pics too!

  3. Good morning! Checking in from SITS!

  4. it's amazing how we'll suffer through something like a crappy camera...then when we are blessed with a new one...we think...why the heck did we suffer with the old one for so long...sigh....Thanks for digging my tigger too....good to know I won't be scarring him for life....

  5. YIKES....I'll alert the world wide web to prepare for an onslaught of computer power surges! So glad you got your new camera...I hope its a fancy one with tons of buttons you have no idea what to do with!

  6. What kind of camera did you end up getting? I sooooooo much want a new camera but I don't think that will happen any time soon!

  7. nikkicrumpet-It for sure has buttons that I have no idea what they are for. But, it turns on instantaniously! Yay:)It does have this funny feature that can create a smile on someone who is not smiling. I tried it on a pic of me and I looked like the Joker! LOL

    Astrid-My new camera is a Sony Cyber Shot. I would take a picture of it for you, but, my old camera won't turn on:)

  8. Yeah new camera!! My husband bought me a Rebel XTI digital last yr for my is so cool...I just need some time away from my littlest one to figure it all out! Every time he sees me take it out he wants to "see" the pictures I have taken!

    I have posted an update about the Madak people on my blog...good things! God is faithful!

  9. See, I thought I liked my camera just fine until a few days ago when I went to an event and saw all these little flat ones and ones that looked super fancy. I made me realize mine probably sucks. Oh well, works for now and is better than the days of film. Congrats on yours!

  10. I was going to subscribe to your RSS feed but I couldn't find the subscribe button. Am I just not seeing it?


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