Monday, November 10, 2008

Help- My Aching Feet

Have you ever put on a pair of shoes, knowing full well that you are going to be sorry later? I could kick myself today. The shoes were just to cute to not wear them! After I took them off, I discovered a huge blister on the back of one foot. HUGE! " Oh well", I thought, "that's the price you pay for super cute shoes." I put a band aid on and forgot about it. Then......about 1 am, I awoke to my foot throbbing intensely! I know, I'm such a baby........but it hurts:(


  1. awww poor you! i feel your pain..and i have felt it many times over. but to me that kidn of pain is totally worth the cuteness i feel wearing cute shoes. yep i am totally shallow like that!

    thanks for stopping by my blog. i hope you did everything possible to up your chances of winning the bloggy makeover! but seriously this cute fall look you have going on now is ADORABLE!!

  2. I know what you are talking about! Darn those gorgeous (toe pinching, arch stretching, foot squeezing) shoes! I own way too many of them- I just can't resist :)

  3. I have been out of the cute shoe stage for so long I would gladly take your pain away for one glorious nite out with mr gp without the beans!

  4. I hate the Cute Shoe Curse! Why does it seem like the cuter the shoe, the greater the pain you suffer later? Hope your feet are feeling better! :)

  5. Oooo-ouch!! Soak them in some hot salt water?

  6. Soak those feet in epsom salts!!! It really works!!


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