Thursday, November 13, 2008

I'm Finally In The Mood....

....for Christmas that is. I put it off as long as I can and now I can't hold back any more. I am finally getting excited that Santa's on his way soon. The leaves have all fallen and the air is getting cooler so now it is starting to feel close. Do you know what I mean? I am really trying hard to not stress this year. We are going to spend as much time together as a family as possible and maybe start a few new traditions this year. I really love to bake and I want to have my sisters and my mom over for a day of cookie baking. We did that a few years ago and I really think that we need to have a girls day of baking again. Wine included. If anyone has any good cookie recipes to share, I would love it! Ho,ho,ho, and jingle,jingle, and all that stuff:)


  1. awwwww baking cookies with mom and sisters sounds wonderful...
    I am getting in spirit too-

  2. Oh girl I am right there with you!!! I am ready to put out all of my holiday stuff, but am trying to refrain!!!!! A day of baking sounds like a lot of fun! This year my mom and sister are going to do the same thing!!! ; )

  3. Yes! Your post got me excited too! I love starting new traditions and keeping old ones and your baking day sounds like fun! I usually do a couple days of baking on my own and I also host a cookie exchange, it's turned out to be a lot of fun-this will be my 3rd year of doing it.

  4. Hey you! No being Grumpy Mom!!!

    Have a fabulous day instead, ok?

  5. OOOO...I love Christmas too! I plan on decorating this weekend, I just can't wait anymore! Thanks for your wonderful words of encouragement yesterday! They meant more to me than you know!


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