Sunday, November 2, 2008

I Love the Weekends (Usually)

Well, what a weekend. A few days ago, Madelyn started with a stomach virus. She threw up twice, took a long nap and slept it off. When she woke up that afternoon, she was perfectly fine. Then on Friday, at around 5am Felicia threw up in my bed. I'm thinking, here we go again. But Mady got over it so fast, I thought it would not be to bad. Boy was I wrong! That little girl threw up a dozen times. I never saw her so sick before. She did feel good enough in the afternoon to put on her Halloween costume for some pictures and she helped hand out candy that night. Then, late last night I heard Aaron get up. "Not good ", I thought. And then it Aaron was running for the bathroom, he tripped and vomited all over the walls in the hall. He puked on the carpet in the hall and Michael's room, the bathroom floor, the entire toilet was covered and he hit 2 laundry baskets that I had folded before bed, but not put away yet. So, I was up till the wee hours of the morning shampooing the carpets and washing laundry. Now Mike is sick too and acts like he is going to die............I seriously need a vacation!

The only good thing about being up till the wee hours was that I hopped on the computer to check out bloggy land and I discovered that the girls at SITS have included my other blog, Just For Fun, as one of the Saucy Blogs for the week. I was so excited!


  1. Sorry your weekend has not been so much fun. Congrats on your other blog being featured on SITS. I find some great ideas on there of things to do with my kiddos.

  2. Daaaaannnnggg. Good Luck girl, hope you don't get it.

  3. I know. Really, what would they do if I was sick? They would probably starve to death and walk around naked for lack of clean laundry. Pathetic, isn't it.

  4. OMG...I was sitting here trying not to laugh at this horrific sick spell that's hit your house...boy I remember the days. I'm so sorry....but the laundry vomit was just so funny...ok not to you...I AM SORRY!

  5. Oh! I am so sorry to hear about your weekend....hope things are looking better tomorrow! I see you are also a fan of thecutestblogontheblock....isn't it the BEST?

  6. BUMMER! I hate when everyone is sick, and the stomach crud is the worst!!! I hope it is gone for good!

  7. Only a MOM could be Saucy & Pukey at the same time!!! Congratulations!!!!! And I hope you lil punkins feel better reallllly soon and you get a nap in there somewhere (ha!). Oh, and hand sanitizer!!! Lots of it!



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