Monday, November 10, 2008

Muffin Tin Monday

Today's Muffin Tin Monday Theme was: Family Heritage/Recipes.
Well, with more different nationalities than I could count, this proved to be to challenging for me. So, I decided to make a meal the way my family has been making meals for many generations. You see, we are simple folks, kind of just meat and potatoes people. So what we enjoy most is good, old comfort food. With that said, here is our chicken and waffles tin:

Top row: mashed potatoes, waffles, chicken and gravy
Bottom row: cinnamon applesauce, waffles, corn

For more Muffin Tin Monday, visit Her Cup Overfloweth!


  1. chicken and waffles!!!!! I love it! Isn't that southern food??? You didn't break the rules at all!!

  2. my goodness....I should make this fpr my husband, he`d love it! Great Job :)

  3. I love this idea. We usually call them "surprise plates" but the muffin tins make them infinitely funner!

  4. We have the same background. I thought I clicked backed to my page a sec. So, you totally made all my favorite foods! Delicious!


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