Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Toddler Theme Day-Rainbows

This week's toddler theme is Rainbows. This was the perfect opportunity to review all of the colors. And really, what little girl doesn't love rainbows? I know mine do! So here are a few activities for fun with rainbows!

A few months ago we made rainbows out of paper plates. You can check that out here.

Today, we had a color hunt. I called out the colors of the rainbow, one at a time, and the girls would race around the room to find something that was that color. What fun:)

We also made sand art. Well, it was actually colored salt. We filled plastic containers with coarse salt and added a few drops of food coloring. Next, we got to shake, shake, shake until the color was evenly distributed. Next, we layered the colored salt in "rainbow order". (Felicia didn't exactly do this because she was to excited to wait for the next color)

The girls are so proud of their "Rainbow in a Jar"! I think they turned out fabulous:)
Remember to check out more Toddler Theme Challenge on Teaching Tiny Tots!


  1. I just love all the little projects you have for your kids!!! I'm bookmarking them and hoping to one day do them with my own children.

  2. What a great rainbow day for you!! I love your sand art!! I am going to have to try that with Seth - he would love it!!

  3. Wow!!!! Now I know what my almost 3 year old Little Imp and I are going to do on Friday!

    Now I'm off to find some old jars!

    Your blog is awesome!!!!!

  4. What a fun idea, and I agree - they turned out fabulous!

  5. Hi Sandy! I just found your blog on SITS sidebar! Congratulations for being Saucy. Is that spelled right? Oh, well! lol
    This is so cute and those kiddies are just precious. I miss those sweet days. Cherish those little ones.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  6. what great bright colors! love your salt jars!

  7. Hey SITS-er, your great at the craft thing and the kids. Great awards to you. Look up paint toast and you can dye rice or noodles with viniger and food coloring. Look up online to see how. Love the idea of muffin tins for meals. Veggies for a kid who don't like them. Try v-8 drinks. Always coat them in cheese. Put broccoli in the mac and cheese real fine.
    Oh and I love the music. Adore the back to pooh corner massively.

  8. Checking out your Saucy Blog! Congrats!

    Those are great things to do with kids, I'm going to have to remember them for my nephews. Thanks!

  9. Those jars are awesome!

    Enjoy your SITS sauciness...

    :^) Anna

  10. Just popping over from SITS and thinking, wow! Five kids! You are superwoman!

  11. Love the fun activites. You could add a turkey face to the top activity and have a hanksgiving turkey. Thanks for the great ideas.

  12. Thanks for visiting me! I love the color "sand" I can't wait to try that when my dd is older!

  13. Great, great fun. I've added you to my blog list.

  14. Your rainbow jars turned out cute. Would it be okay with you if we link to them on our round up of rainbow ideas on ABC and 123?


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