Saturday, December 6, 2008

A Busy Day Planned

Well, the day is finally here for us to trek out to the tree farm and cut down our beloved Christmas tree. This is something we do every year and I don't think I could do it any other way. The kids love being able to wander through the field and choose the "perfect" tree. I like the tree to be pretty tall, but not too fat. Every year, Mike and I have a very spirited debate over what that means exactly. It never fails, he always picks a tree that is seven or eight feet across at the bottom. I'm sure he will do the same this year. That's ok, it's all part of the fun. Then, he cuts it down with a saw as sharp as a butter knife. Hehehe, I really should buy him a new one. Maybe this year, he can pass that job off to one of the boys. They would love to use a saw. Boys are like that you know. Well, wish me luck. I'm sure it will be a day to remember. Just the way I like it:)


  1. Have fun honey!!!! We must DEMAND pics later today!!!!!

  2. I have this mental picture of Christmas Vacation LOL
    sounds like a fun family tradition-

  3. Over here from SITS! Love your blog, we are going out to get our tree today too! I am sure it will be in perfect Griswald style, much like our Christmas lights :-)

  4. Good luck! Hope you find a tree that you all can agree on. :)

  5. Have fun!! We put our tree up yesterday. Just put the lights on though. It is like a week long process to put up all the decorations.

  6. How exciting! We did ours two days after Thanksgiving, and it was the first year we ever cut our own tree down! It's also the first year my husband and I have had a real tree since we were in our teens! lol Have fun!

  7. Hope you have a great time finding your tree! I miss that. We went artificial a few years ago.

  8. Can't wait to see pics!

    PS Tagged you w/ "Mis Ochos"

  9. Oh how I love Mariah Carey singing Christmas songs! I hope you have (had) a wonderful time getting your tree. We'll get ours next weekend. That gives me a whole week to clean. Of course you know I'm dragging out this comment cause I love the song that's playing. Merry Christmas to you and your family! (And I think the 15 yo is definitely old enough to use the saw, with Dad's supervision.)

  10. Have lots of fun getting your tree put up, Sandy! It's always one of the highlights of the season for me! Enjoy!!!

  11. My best Christmas memories involve heading to the Christmas tree farms with my family. Such a hilarious time!
    Thanks for visiting my blog!

  12. Ooo, I can't wait to see it all decorated and pretty.

  13. Did you get the tree? Did you let Michael cut it down? From the picture, Michael looks like he could just tackle the tree and bring it home over his shoulder. LOL


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