Monday, December 1, 2008

Merry SITSmas Indeed!

Breaking news from SITS:
The Grand Prize for tomorrow's Merry SITSmas is:
YOUR Blog Featured as the Friday Favorite and....
A $200 Target Gift Card!
WOO HOO! I am so excited! Man could I use an extra $200 for Christmas. Santa is on a really tight budget!

So, if you have not visited the girls from SITS, what the heck are you waiting for? Go right now!

Merry SITSmas:)


  1. i love this i could hardly get my post about it made fast enough!!

    it would be a Christmas Miracle over there...let me just tell ya!

  2. I am so excited for tomorrow you would think it was my birthday it's not but it will be mr gp's birthday lol

  3. Love your blog design! Very pretty! Can you explain how to go about putting a signature at the end of your posts? I can't seem to figure that one out!

    I'm a SITS fan, too!!!

  4. Is that not just a great gift!!! Wow..what a giveaway!
    -sandy toes

  5. Merry SITSmas! Like your blog :)


Thanks for visiting! Come back again!