Monday, December 8, 2008

Nana and Poppy's Tree

Felicia, Madelyn, and Brandon decorated Nana and Poppy's tree after church on Sunday. They are certainly becoming experts at the decorating thing. Great job guys:)


  1. Hey Sandy!

    Boy, the trees look great! I think the kiddos really enjoy decorating...I know my girls have for years! There have been a few times when I've had to do some "rearranging", but they've done pretty, well, overall.

    Happy Monday!

  2. I Love to see pictures of kids decorating the tree!!

  3. Maybe you could hire them out to busier familes? Their child labor could bring in some good dough!

  4. Oh how nice, they are decorating their Grandparents tree. My kids would have so much fun at their Grandparents decorating the tree, if their Aunt didn't bogart the job:).. Just in case she is reading this, I left a smiley face.

  5. Maybe they could come give my kiddos some lessons.


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