Friday, December 19, 2008

We're Having a Snow Day!

It's a snow angel making day at the Adam's house!


  1. I wish we would have gotten snow instead of ice this week. My 3 year old had been begging to go make snow angels and doesn't understand why she can't do it in the ice.

  2. Lucky you! I would love to have a snow day... with hot coffee and a roaring fire on the side.

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  3. No offense, Sandy, but BLAH, BLAH, BLAH!!! lol You know I'm just teasing you...what I'd give to have some of that snow! It's about 72 degrees here, windy, and very humid. It's the pits, I tell ya! Come on, Mother Nature, work your magic!!! Have fun playing in all that snow...LUCKY!

  4. Yup-kiddos I nanny for had a snow day today-totally ruins my routine!

  5. I was afraid to do a snow angel. It was so deep I was afraid it would creeep inside my clothes.


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