Sunday, January 11, 2009

An Addition To Friday Book Projects

This week I will be adding Mr Linky to our Friday book Projects. That way anyone wanting to participate can easily add their link. Book projects can be anything you want them to be. You can cook, make an art project, play a game, anything that encourages your child to read! I hope more of you decide to play along. I love to see new ideas!


  1. Oh what a great girls LOVE to read! Let me see if I can get my act together and participate, hehe!

  2. Cool Sandy, another excuse for me to blog. I love it!
    Next is a button! Reading with Sandy! I love buttons. he he!

  3. I WISH MY KIDS WERE WITH ME MORE TO DO THIS PROJECT! Summertime I'm going to do this! (Have I told you I love your header?)

  4. What a great idea! I can't wait to see what everyone comes up with!

  5. Sandy, I have an award for you on my blog. Please check it out when you have time.

  6. What a GREAT idea! I just pooped in and LOVE your blog! I will have to try and do this this week!


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