Friday, January 16, 2009

Friday Book Projects-These Trees Have "Sole"

Today's book project is actually a repost of one we did a few months ago. I hope you enjoy it! If you would like to share one of your own book projects, sign Mr. Linky at the end of this post:)

When I worked in daycare/ preschool, a favorite book with all the children was Chicka Chicka Boom Boom. This is a very cute coconut tree to make after reading the book. Have fun!

First, I painted the trunk of the tree.

Next, the fun begins when you start painting little toes. Warning: giggling will occur, this is normal:)

Stamp your child's foot on the paper to create the top of the tree.

After you clean off your child's foot, make a few coconuts with their thumbprint.

Last, glue on a few letters and you have a "Chicka Chicka Boom Boom" coconut tree.

Here is the book that inspired me. Check it out!


  1. YAY! Somthing to do with Noah today! Great suggestion. :D

  2. This looks fun! I've been wanting to get that book for my boys. I love your craft ideas & so does E!

  3. My oldest daughter loved this book. She also used to love to play the computer game.

    Cute project, though I can see the kids moving around to much with the giggling and such:)

  4. Oh, I love this! I'll be back to visit again!

  5. My daughter would love this!! I'm not so sure my son would love the painting the feet thing. :) Such a cute idea. I'm loving your Friday Book Projects. I'll have to jump on the wagon and get going with some projects of my own! Keep this going!!

  6. Ooops sorry put an extra Blick on there! What an amazing project. You are so creative. I like to go to the museum for inspiration these days. I'm always amazed at what I can learn from my little ones.

  7. I love this! I think I'll wait a few months until my son's older to try it out.

  8. I love, love this!!! I just put a link to your page on my blog (hope you don't mind) along with pics of our completed projects and notecards that we ordered for my son's teacher!!!


Thanks for visiting! Come back again!