Wednesday, January 14, 2009


I have received a very special award today from my friend Angie! She is so sweet and a very supportive blogger. Thank You Angie! You know that if you ever need me. I'm here for you! Please visit her blog Making Memories if you have not done that yet!

This award is given to you in appreciation of your lovely and witty comments and for always knowing the right thing to say at the right time....
I am to pass this award on to 10 bloggers that make me feel special. That is so hard to do because everyone has been so supportive of me and I appreciate you all so much! Here are the 10 people that have really made me feel special!


  1. Sandy,

    First of all...a big CONGRATULATIONS on your go, girl! You definitely have a wonderful way of making me feel special...THANK YOU!!! ♥ (I just learned how to make that little heart!).

    Secondly, you are so kind and gracious to pass your award on to me! I still have to post about the other one you gave me...I'm falling behind here! I really think you're a sweetheart! Have a SUPER BLESSED day! ♥

  2. OMG that is the cutest award! Thank you soooo much!!!

  3. Congratulations on your award!

    Thanks so much for passing it on to me--what an honor! I think it's one of the cutest I've seen!!! And, such a great thing to be recognized for (for which to be recognized? lol)

    Thanks again!

  4. I was just thinking that was a cute award and then I scrolled down and saw my name! Thanks Sandy!! I was feeling pretty good today, now I feel awesome! Thanks!

    Congrats to you as well!

  5. Very cute and yes congrats to you and TY for thinkin of e that maes me feel extra special too

  6. Congrats! That is such a cute award & you so deserve it!

  7. Hey Sandy!

    So great to finally meet you! I have seen your comments now on many of the blogs I frequent, so I am guessing that you might have seen some of mine also.

    It was only today though that I decided to come and check you out since you gave this nice award to Nicole and then she passed one to me. I had to come and see what it was all about.

    I am so glad I did as I love your blog. You have a very beautiful family and I hope that we can get to know each other. I also hope that you wont mind if I follow your blog.

    Please feel free to visit us any time, as well as follow along if you wish. We love our followers.

    If you really like us let me know and I would be happy to swap buttons with you. I will go ahead and put up a link on our site to yours if thats ok. Just let me know

    God Bless.


Thanks for visiting! Come back again!