Thursday, January 15, 2009


This is what Mike brought home for breakfast this morning. I'm beginning to think he likes "Big" girls! Don't worry, I did not partake in the deliciousness:(


  1. Mike...for shame, for shame! You need to give that man a little talking to! LOL!

  2. Well, the bottom one does say 90 calories per cake. I don't know if that would do you in or not! (I'm thinking not.)

    I'm in the reverse situation where my husband watches what he eats really carefully. It's so difficult not to buy him yummy things because I know that he likes them so much. It's hard to reprogram my mind to know that yummy does not equal loving.

    We keep a lot of yogurt around. It's pretty good and healthy too.

  3. Oh Sandy, that Big Girls comment was so funny. I do the same thing sometimes, I mean well as I want to be thoughtful, however its in my excitement to be sweet that I often loose site of how its going to be taken. :(


  4. Like Heatherlyn commented, one box states 90 calories. Perhaps that with a glass of milk. But, I would probably end up having another later in the day. So good for you and your willpower!

    Even those 100 calories packs are dangerous. I have been known to gorged on them at one setting. So, I only buy so much so that the girls only have enough for lunch snacks.

  5. Oh, you are good! I am impressed with your willpower, Sandy!

  6. LOL! My mom is the worst at that sort of thing. The day after I tell her I'm trying to lose a few, she offers me all my favorite tasty treats! I want to slap her! And then I partake. You have much more will power than I do!

  7. AHHH, you poor thing! Bad husband..bad!

  8. LOL!! Being from the mid-west (where we don't have Tastykake's) I would absoulely devour them! I am not a snack cake kind of girl--but the Candykakes and the Krimpets always make my mouth water. Now, I know I am not helping you out any or being very supportive, sorry for that! If you ever feel you need to "unload" some Tastykakes, I would be inclined to accept!! Not that I need them either! Good for you, being able to resist!

  9. Hey I think I saw those things for the first time at a Cheese Steak Sandwich place. Always wondered what they were but I tried not to stare at them too long for fear I would consume the calories just by looking.

  10. Tastykakes look very good indeed. They look like something I might partake in.

    Good for you to resist their goodness!!

  11. sense in wasting them. Email me for my address.

  12. I'm drooling all over my keyboard now!
    I miss goodies like that but NOT the extra weight that comes along with them!

  13. Thank you so much for visiting my Blog today & Laughing with me.
    Come back anytime.

  14. Oh Sandy, that's killin' me that you had to look at those today but I'm so impressed with your willpower! :)

  15. Tastykakes are the devil!!! But such a delicious devil!!

  16. I'm not familiar with these but they do look yummy. Sometimes ya gotta partake, unless it sends you into a binge cycle! One won't hurt you probably.


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