Sunday, January 4, 2009

Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!

I woke up this morning thinking that I really needed to thank each and every one of my readers. This week started out so tough for me. I have struggled with the idea of going back to work for a while now and it has been very troubling for me. I want to help support my family financially yet I know they need me here as well. The words of encouragement from all of you have helped me to relax about the whole situation. I know that if it's meant to be then it will happen. Until then I will continue to do what I do everyday and that is be just Mom. The best job in the world. We will be FINE. I FEEL it:) Thank you again for being so supportive. It's a great feeling. You have all lifted me so much this week and I feel your prayers. Thank you!


  1. I know it is a tough decision...but God will give you the answer you need! ;-)

  2. You are right! Everything will work itself out!!! Tons of hugs and prayers being sent your way - today and always hun!!!! You are such sunshine in my life!!!!

  3. It all works out. Somehow. I have a little breakdown each time I have to go back after a long break. If you need me tonight, I'll be in bed crying.

  4. I was struggling with a similar decision years ago... and then I REALLY thought about it... My employer would have to be willing to say yes to all of my whims... so I looked in the mirror and decided that I was the boss I wanted, and 9 years ago... started my PC business. Maybe look into something you can do from home, Tupperware, Pampered Chef (PC), jewelry... etc...

    I do all my shows from my home.

  5. I've thought about you a lot this week since that post. I think it is a really difficult decision. Our prayers are with you!

  6. You are exactly right, if it's meant to be...... If you want to, try looking into some work from home options, a number of large business employers love having part timers and are glad to have them work from their home. There are all sorts of options, just a matter of finding what will work best for you and the family!

  7. I'm glad you are feeling less stressed! Still praying! It will all work out the way it is supposed to!

  8. Good news that you are less stressed. Things do eventually work out. They have slowing been doing the same for us. It helps that gas is not so expensive. My Husband works an hour away and it was getting crazy expensive!

    On a differnet note, I love the "Over the Rainbow" song. I have the big guy from Hawaii with the long name on my playlist. They played the song on "ER" when Doctor Greene died. John Castro's version is very nice too. Actually I like both versions more than the original. Sorry Judy Garland:)

    Sometimes, I am a little wordy:)

  9. It really is a hard decision, isn't it? I stayed home until my youngest was a senior, went to work and quit after 3 months because I could already tell he still needed me here. I just decided to wait it all out. Now he's at college and darned if I can bring myself to go back to work still. I got addicted to this blogging thing....


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