Thursday, January 15, 2009

Thanksgiving Thursday

Thanksgiving Thursday is a new meme hosted by Nicole @ What a Trip!

Each Thursday, we are to list ten things that we are thankful for that week. I think this is a great way to focus on all the positive things in our lives:)

This week I am thankful...

1. ...for my husband's raise and bonus! This is huge for us. It will now be possible for me to stay home and be with my kids full time.

2. ...for our health.

3. ...for snow. This gave us hours of entertainment.

4. ...for my willpower. I have been doing very well on my diet and I am quite proud of myself:)

5. ...for smiles and giggles!

6. ...for music! It's a great way to get moving.

7. ...for great friends! Encouragement and support is so important for survival.

8. ...for my snow-shoveling boys. They are awesome!

9. ...for craft time! These are the most fun moments of our day!

10. ...that my computer is working again! I would be lost without it!

Don't forget to visit Nicole at What A Trip! to play along:)


  1. LOL Great list!

    Your first one, about your hubby's raise, made me grin really big! But, then I read the one about your willpower and the bite of Rice Krispies had a bit of difficulty going down. :)

    Thanks for joining in and you really do have a LOT to be thankful for!!!

  2. Great list! I smiled for you regarding the first item.

  3. What a good idea for a post. 2009 is starting off right!

  4. Great list! Well done sticking to your diet. i wish i had an ounce of willpower :(

    Have a blessed Thursday!

  5. You truly have a lot to be thankful for! I'm SO glad you get to continue to stay home with your kiddos! Amen!

  6. Great list! Congrats on the raise and getting to stay at home! What a blessing - I am enjoying that one too!


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