Friday, February 6, 2009

Friday Flashback-Sisters

Tara at TMI is the host of Flashback Fridays! If you're having a flashback, head on over to her place to sign Mr. Linky and check out all the other flashbacks!

This week my flashback is a picture of the Levan sisters. To the left, is Diane(3 years old), in the middle is Karen(5 years old) and on the right is me, the baby of the family at 10 months old. Growing up having two older sisters was fun, but not always easy. As teenagers, we fought all the time. I was whiny and always had to have my own way! (that really has not changed that much:0) I love my sisters and could not imagine what life would have been like without them!

After I found this picture I pulled one out of Felicia at the age of nine months. My sisters' girls look just like them and I was wondering if you could see any resemblance between myself and the Princess!


  1. That is great and oh yeah, can tell you're related a little, LOL!!

  2. Oh I thought I saw this somewhere. Thank you I'm heading over to link right now!

  3. Such pretty sisters!

    Hugs and Mocha,

  4. Definite family resemblance there! ;-) Happy Friday - thanks for sharing your flashback.

  5. What a cute family photo! Three peas in a pod! I always wanted a sister, but I wouldn't trade my brothers for anything! Your daughter is a dead-ringer for you as a baby!

    Have a terrific Friday, friend!♥

  6. What a lovely blog you have here. Thanks for popping by mine and saying hi!!!

  7. Yep - she looks just like you! My mom, myself & my oldest daughter all looked the same as babies. It's so fun to go back & look at old pics.

    Thanks for visiting my blog!

  8. It must have been nice to have sisters. I'm an only girl. I think that you all look fairly different. It's believable that you are sisters, but you definitely each have your own distinctive look.

  9. I have always wanted sisters! I'm jelaous!

  10. what cute pix! I think i have one similar of me and my sisters...isnt it funny how if you grew up in a certain ear all the poses are very similar!

  11. Look at you three cuties! Ooooh I am so envious of sisters. I got stuck with just one sibling - a brother - a lot older than me - and mean to boot. We're close now, but those childhood years were rough and I would beg my mom to give me a sister! Which was probably hard on her since she was unable to have no children, and we were adopted. Anywho I'm rambling. I love the pic and your little princess definitely looks exactly like you! So cute!!!

  12. You guys are all so darn cute. I do see the family resemblance for sure!

  13. Oh Yeah..there's definitely a resemblence....very cute sisters BTW!

  14. Cute pictures!! I always wanted a sister to share clothes with and hang out with. I got one when I was 12 and she was fun for about 2 years and then she was the little sister that got into everything. I already had three brothers that did that. :) Most of my friends had sisters and I was always jealous. I am now 33 and she is getting married shortly. Different worlds but Love her to pieces! She was the baby also. I would say spoiled! You both are adorable and look very much alike!

  15. Adorable pictures! She looks just like you!

  16. Thanks for stopping by from SITS today. That is a great post. You two look a lot alike!

  17. She looks just like you! You're lucky to have sisters...I always wanted at least one but I only have brother LOL

    Please check out my Flashback Friday:

  18. definitely a resemblance!

    what's that 'welcomista' thingy about?

  19. Amazing to see such a resemblance huh? Now does your mother's pic look like you and your little one?

    I'm so late but I just posted mine.

  20. Great pictures! Yes I see you two do look resemble each other.

  21. I see Felicia in your baby picture. Sweet pictures.

  22. Darling! I wish a had a sister or two. 3 brothers for me.

  23. Oh yes! The ears, nose and lips/mouth. For sure!
    How cute!

  24. You're both adorable, but I see no resemblance. Take that from a first-time visitor :)


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