Tuesday, February 3, 2009

I've Been Tagged!

Last week I was tagged by Annie from Junior Mints and Reeses and Flyin' Annie! I thought I would be getting to this earlier, but it has been very crazy here the last few days. Friday, the kids were off school. Saturday, Mike had some weird shifts at work so we spent the morning together because he had to work earlier and then I went shopping with my sister. Sunday, worship in the morning, then a Souper Bowl lunch at church, and then the actual Super Bowl! Yesterday I had an appointment and then there was that quitting thing! Whew, I need a nap just thinking about it all. But here I am and I am ready to play tag!

Here are the rules of this tag game:
1. Link to the person who tagged you.
2. Mention the rules.
3. Tell 6 things about yourself.
4. Tag 6 other bloggers by linking to them.
5. Go to each person's blog and leave them a comment to let them know they've been tagged. This is kind of a fun way to get to know people.

Here are the 6 things about myself!
I love the outdoors! Camping, picnicking, hanging out at the lake. It all makes me very happy:0)

2. I was voted most intellectual in high school. Oh how my brain has turned to mush over the years. Kids will do that to you;0)

3. I love to cook!

4. I love yellow roses and always have. When I got older, I learned that my Great Grandmother always got yellow roses from my Great Grandfather on Valentines Day. It was also her birthday so he got her yellow roses instead of red for her special day. At her funeral, the church was filled with yellow roses. It was beautiful!

5. Although I really love the snow, I wish spring would be here now!

6. I love playing with play dough. Especially the chocolate play dough that I made last week!

I'm being a rule breaker and I am not going to tag anyone today. But if you would like to play along, go for it!


  1. Wait a minute!!! Did you say chocolate playdough??? Is that edible? If so, things just don't get much better than that! :)

  2. Sorry April, it's not really edible. It's made with all food stuff, but I don't think it would taste too good without sugar:0(

  3. I always force the playdoh on my kids so I can play with it..lol! My brain is mush too...

  4. Ok! I am going over to your other blog for that recipe! My son has been going through playdough like CRAZY!!

  5. I love the outdoors too, especially hiking. Camping...not my fav.

  6. Beautiful short story about your great grandmother. My oldest has just now gotten into playdough(store bought kind), you made your own? Was it easy?

    I love to cook too!

    I'll pretend that you "tagged" me! =0)

  7. saying hi to my fellwo welcome wagon SITSA!
    i love yellow roses too. and am ready for spring but would like one good snow

  8. I love play dough! I always liked to make jelewry from it.

  9. I love it when I get to read list about people. Great list. I am on the "welcome wagon" with you...and happy to be there.

    The picture of Princess Lucy cracks me up! :D

  10. Congrats on your award!

    I've got an award for you, too. http://barelydomesticmama.blogspot.com/2009/02/thank-you-thank-you.html

  11. Hello from another SITS WW'er! What a beautiful family you have - and a cute dog!

  12. It's quite lovely about the yellow roses. I love that connection with your grandmother.

  13. My mother and sister love yellow roses too.

  14. Souper Bowl at church. I love it!!!!!!

  15. The story about the yellow roses is beautiful.

  16. I love the yellow roses story. My Dad always gave yellow roses to my Mom.

  17. CHOCOLATE playdough?!! SWEET!! thanks for the warm welcome!

  18. I love yellow roses too adn it comes from my grandfather! How strange is that? I have several beautiful dried ones from his funeral!!


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