Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Silly Mady

Madelyn just brought me the peanut butter and asked if it had Salmonella in it! Maybe she is watching too much T.V. Damn CNN!


  1. So funny I say, as I throw out all the peanut butter.

    Hugs and Mocha,

  2. LOL, I went through that with my kids and hubby too...

  3. Haaa! Kid's are great, aren't they!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog Sandy. I'm excited to be part of SITS. I finally got that little "follower" gadget thing up.

    I love your blog, it's so cute and you look like such an adorable mom. I'll be visiting here often!

  4. That's funny. It's amazing what kids pick up on.

  5. Smart girl! I'm beginning to be a little worried about all PB mess, myself! Maybe she can come over and investigate my pantry.

  6. Scary, isn't it? I don't know if I can bear the thought of parting with my beloved Jif!

  7. as sit here eating a p-nut butter bar!!!

  8. LOL
    Oh no!
    My MIL is always calling us about these recalls. Remember the chocolate around Halloween?

  9. It is amazing what kids pick up. Very cute, but also a bit scary. I'll be glad when the whole thing dies down.

  10. Kids pick up everything even when it looks like they aren't paying attention. many of my own words have come back to bite me. I need to be careful.

    Having a giveaway over at my blog. Stop on by.

  11. LOL! Funny what kids pick up! Does she even know what Salmonella is?

  12. oooo man i so want a PB&J on girl!

  13. So cute! I think it's amazing the way kids pick things like that up!! :) I haven't eaten PB since all that started. I had a Costco sized box of the Austin PB crackers sitting in my pantry. The kids had been eating one pack a day for a week when it all started. I almost had a panic attack!!! We've stopped all PB consumption in our house lol!

  14. LOL. I think the bigger epidemic is anxiety! Ugh, things like that annoy me! My nephew is the same way. One time he saw a snippit of a debate on abortion. He came to me the next day and (crying) told me I needed to hide Chloe because the President wanted to kill her. It seriously broke my heart that he was so worried about it!

  15. I LOVE it! The other night Cole was riding his bike in the house and said, "Look at me mommy. I am going so fast...I am going high speed internet!"

  16. Thanks for welcoming me to SITS. I'm so glad that you did because I LOVE your blog!!! You are wonderful :)


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