Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Valentines Candle Holder

These candle holders are made in the same way that we made the Snowflake Candle Holders.

1. Cut some white tissue paper into small squares.

2. Cover a clean glass jar with the tissue paper by "gluing" it on with liquid starch.

3. Check to make sure that the jar is covered by holding it up to the light.

4. Cut some hearts out of pink and purple tissue paper.

5. Adhere them to the jar with liquid starch.

6. Continue all the way around the jar.
7. Add a candle and you are finished!


  1. I found you on BSU..
    Those candle holders are very cute and so creative...

  2. Oh we have some jars sitting in the kitchen waiting for me to do something with them, now they have a purpose! Thank you!

  3. It is very pretty. It gives off a nice glow:)

  4. Aww, that is so pretty, I love it! I'll be linking.

  5. Wonderful tutorial about making of unique and lovely valentine gift...

  6. I used to do these when I was a kid!

    I've mentioned you in a blog award, so be sure to check it out!

  7. I used to make these as a kid! As a final touch, I would sprinkle that clear glitter all over it so it sparkled too. Thanks for the memory!

  8. OooooLaLa! So pretty and oh so fun. You can all eat by candle light.

  9. Great blog! I have an award for you

  10. You have a very fun blog here ;) I subscribe:)
    Love this idea- I did this for Halloween- but did not think about V-day- so cute! love it!

  11. That is so pretty. Great idea !!


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