Friday, March 13, 2009

Friday Book Project-Donation Day

Our book project for today is going in a whole different direction. We have been buying and collecting books for quite some time at our house. When I was expecting my first child, I began buying books for him. I love to read and I always wanted to pass that love of reading on to my kids. We bought books every time we were at the grocery store, garage sales and from the book clubs that were distributed at school. Well, needless to say, we now have thousands of books filling many shelves and bins in our house.

Today, we took some time to sort through our book collection and choose some books that we would like to donate. We usually donate books to preschool or take them to good will. There are a lot of places that would be more then happy to receive some of your old books. Many children have no books at all! So, when you have the time, sort through some of your old books. I am sure you could pass some along too:0)

If you have a book inspired project that you would like top share, please add your link below. You may add your link anytime between now and next Friday:0)


  1. Just today when we were at the pediatrician's office, there was a sign asking for gently used books. I was thinking that local Head Starts might also be able to distribute them to their students. Head Starts tend to cater to at risk kids...often low income but also academically at risk for other reasons. Just a thought. :)

  2. We donate ours to the Friendly Book Store that is located in our local library. It helps out the library.

  3. As a preschool teacher, we love when people donate books. I am a firm believer in that you can never have to many books for kids.

  4. It's so true that I have way too many books, but I have a hard time letting any go because I need so many for if and when I go back to my classroom. You need so many for all the different themes and reading abilities. I think a lot of teachers are horders. But you're totally right, I really should be giving away some. Okay if I give some of my novels and such away and not the children's books...cause I do all the time to our friends of the library sales.

  5. Thanks for stopping by my blog and for welcoming me to SITS! I have always loved books -- walking into Borders was like walking into a big toy store for me! Belonged to book clubs too.... so when I moved to Kansas last year, it was time to weed through the masses of books, sell some at Blue Rectangle, and donate others to Goodwill. But I still love my books! :)

  6. we love an have a lot of books too, when I donate, I have given to the church sunday school and to the library.

  7. What a great idea! Thanks for hosting these book projects too... lots of great projects out there. :-)


  8. Thank you visiting my bloggy, and welcoming me to SITS.

    I love your book ideas! So nice! I have donated lots of books to the children's hospital, and also to the women's shelter.

  9. I can never reist a bargain book sale and buy way too many children's books at second hand stores, so we definitely have a lot to donate. It's been on my list of things to do.

    I love your cute blog, I'll be back to browse through all your cute ideas.

  10. What an adorable blog! Thanks for coming to my blog and commenting! It's great to meet you!

  11. Wonderful progect!! It's good for kids to learn about giving.

  12. I am in the same boat on this one. I only have two kids though but we buy books all the time and our family buys books for us all the time. We are over-run with books. I think this is a great idea to do with your kids. It helps them get into the spirit of giving and they get to save their favorite stories. I will be trying this out soon!

  13. I wanted to let you know you have a blogging award waiting for you over at my blog!

  14. Our local library is mainly stocked from donations..I live in a very small town. So great to hear lots of other people donate books too. We are also a family full of book worms. :)

  15. Do you realize that some children have NO at home? I grew up with wayyyyy more than the average amount of books around our house. My own house now probably also has more than the average person. So for me, the thought of children not even having one book...well, it was shocking to me! I learned this when my oldest was in first grade. There was a bulletin board tracking how many books kids had read. Some children had not even read one book. I said to the teacher that it was sad that some parents just don't take the time to note down what books there children have read. I was sure the kids had read some and the parents just weren't filling out the papers for it. The teacher said that yes that does happen, but even worse is that many kids don't even have a book at home to read. So, she was trying to have a classroom library for her students. Well ever since then we have purged our books and given them to our kids school teachers. All of them have had a library of books in their classrooms for just this reason and for kids to read when they have extra time during the school day (mine certainly do use the teacher's books this way!).


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