Tuesday, March 3, 2009


We are finally getting back into our normal routine after a few days of being sick. Thank you for all the well wishes! We are all feeling much better:0)

Today we are continuing on with our letter review by making Gg-Grapes!
1. Cut a G out of construction paper.
2. Glue it to another piece of construction paper.

3. Using a thumb dipped in purple paint, print a few bunches of grapes on the paper.
4. Add a vine! Now you have some Gg-Grapes:0)


  1. oh that is cute!! will keep that in mind when we review G, very pretty

  2. I love that you use fingerprints for your ABC book! You are so creative!

  3. The grapes are cool. I have seen people do this with cherries or apples for a tree drawing.

  4. She is so cute and the Gg-grapes! like the idea using fingerprints cool =) Hi thank you for the warm welcome in SITS! It's great to be part of the SITStahood...

  5. This sheds new light onto 'finger'painting! ADorable idea - as always!

  6. Thanks for visiting my blog! Wow, yours looks packed with great ideas. I will have to stop back and scope them out!

  7. Super cute! I'm glad you're all feeling better. I have 4 kids and it always keeps going around and around the family. Ugh! I know what you felt like!

  8. Fingerprint grapes! I love this!

  9. Well, I do love any article about grapes. But i have found this one so fun.. Great work. For more information about grapes and grape growing, consider visiting this link: http://goinggrapes.com/


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