Monday, March 30, 2009

My Life In Pictures-Something New

This week, I will be participating in a photo challenge called, My Life. In Pictures. It's hosted by Amber at Everything Except the Grill. There is a new challenge every day. Today the task is to take a photo of something new.

This is something new at our house. Last week, Felicia and Mike planted some tomato seeds. Over the weekend, we started to get some teeny, tiny, new plants. The whole process of growing something from a tiny seed is so fascinating for the girls. They grew pumpkins last year and checked their progress everyday. I sure hope this love of gardening continues with them, because I could use some little helpers;0)

To see what "new" things others are experiencing and to participate in My Life. In Pictures., go visit Everything Except The Grill!


  1. Tell the girls Great Job!! Love tomatoe plants, we have some on a table in front of the sliding glass door. W is my gardner!

  2. I love to see those little sprouts of growth. What fun!

  3. Tomatoes in the making! That's great!

  4. I love seeing little sprouts peek up from the ground. I reminds me that warmer weather is coming. gives me that nice good feeling. Well, except for yesterday, we got a little bit of snow.

  5. Great shot Sandy! I do good for a while with my stuff in containers and then it doesn't turn out good! I did take the kiddos out today and we planted some grass seed in some pots. My plan is to let them trim it when it gets long! Thanks for playing along!

  6. What a fun idea! I can't think of anything much better than homegrown tomatoes! Sprinkle a little salt on them and I'm set!

  7. Great photo! It's so fun to see something grow from a tiny seed. And it's exciting to know that someday soon spring will be here (it's still snowing here!) :) Have a great Monday. Looking forward to seeing your pics throughout the week!

  8. Just another sign of Spring! I'm so jealous! LOL

  9. How cool!

    Come see me I have a 'lil something' for you!

  10. It just never gets old to see life sprout from a seed. Wonderful photo!

  11. Oh, I LOVE sproutlings. Nothing says hope like something green and new coming out of the ground!

  12. What a fun thing to do with kids! I should really get some potting soil and get some veggies started with my little ones. They would love it!

  13. I just planted a whole bunch of wildflowers in my backyard! I know what it must be like for them to see the sprouts coming in. It's always so exciting!

  14. I love the sprouts! See you tomorrow!

  15. I love watching baby plants grow-I also love that kids get so excited over it!!

  16. Great post!

    Did you notice that something has been missing from your blog? It might have appeared around the time I stopped commenting? I’m sorry about all that. I took a little hiatus from the blogosphere, but I couldn’t stay away too long. After a break, I had to come by again and see what you’ve been up to.

    Glad that I did.


    PS: Thanks for the birthday love!

  17. We are doing this this weekend!! I know Bella will love watching plants grow too. Do you have a big garden??

  18. Hi! Just wanted to stop by and say thank you for leaving a comment on my blog and for the nice welcome to SITS. Looks like you are well on your way to homegrown tomatoes.

    I got a late start on planting my garden seeds. My tomatoes haven't even sprouted yet, but the luffas have! If you are wondering why I am planting luffa sponges it is because I make homemade soap and thought I could do some neat things with them...and boy do I ramble! Love the picture of Princess Lucy, what a cutie she is!

  19. How fun! Hope you get some delicious tomatoes off those plants!

  20. We have a kitchen full of plants, the beans have got so big we don't know what to do!
    Thanks for visiting us!


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