Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Egg Carton Flowers and Caterpillars

In honor of Earth Day, we made a couple of projects today using some egg cartons. I try to save as much as I can to reuse at craft time. Egg cartons, milk jugs and cartons, cans, paper towel tubes, bottles, etc. are great to make a variety of projects. Here are just two examples of thing you can make with egg cartons.

The flowers were made by cutting individual sections of the egg carton and painting them. I then added a pipe cleaner for the stem by poking it through the egg carton section. I added buttons to the center to give it more color.

You can make a caterpillar by cutting an egg carton in half and painting it. Add a pipe cleaner for the antennae and some eyes. You could also make an ant by cutting it into a three section piece and painting it black. Happy Earth Day!


  1. I have seen cartons used for bugs, but never flowers. Good idea. We recycle our cartons. My mil has a friend who has a farm and he uses the cartons to fill his eggs he sells to people.

  2. I love this idea! We are struggling to find egg cartons for crafts. Everything seems to be made of Styrofoam these days!

  3. These look great! I love the ant idea, that one's new to me :)

  4. Hi Sandy, I'm going to include those in tomorrow's post on ABC & 123 about Green Crafting with Kids. Great ideas!

  5. I've been wanting to do this, but I haven't gotten the paint I need, but I do have plenty of egg cartons. I love the caterpillar.

  6. The flowers are great. I think I will start this as a weekend hobby.

  7. Oh, I love how you made flowers from egg cartons! Very cute!

  8. That caterpillar is so cute! Caterpillar is such a weird word.

  9. LOL Lovin' the caterpillar eyes hahaha

  10. That's cool! I remember making those as a kid. Good times! I bet your kids had a blast!

  11. Going to do this one tonight after dinner! Or before...hmmm, just looks like fun!

  12. My preschooler and I will have so much fun making these. They are SO cute!

  13. love the ideas. will have them as our artwork for my students... thanks for your ideas!


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