Monday, April 20, 2009

Muffin Tin Monday Goes AWOL!

I know, I know, I don't usually post our Muffin Tin Monday entry on this blog, but today's theme is going AWOL! Our big plan to take our Muffin Tin to the park was doused by a rainy day, so we spread out our blanket and had a picnic in the living room. We also went AWOL from Just For Fun for this week:0)
Here is what we had:

Top row: cheese and a hamburger
Bottom row: goldfish crackers, a deviled egg, and pickles

Here are the girls enjoying their "picnic"!

For more Muffin Tin Monday please visit:

Her Cup Overfloweth


  1. What a freaking cute/fun idea!! Once I am feeling better I am SO going to do this!! Thanks for sharing!!

  2. FUN!! my mom use to make muffin tin lunches for us...she was so ahead of the times.

  3. What an adorable idea!!! I going over to check out more.

  4. So cute! I love doing picnics in the living room w/ the kids I nanny for!

  5. picnics inside are the best! Glad to have you back!

  6. YUM!!!! What an awesome lunch!!! I'd love to do that with my kiddos but I have a feeling it would be a huge mess! I'll have to give it a few years and then try!

    This post has me craving deviled eggs now!

  7. How fun! My kids would LOVE that!

  8. how fun. I so need to try this picnic thing.

  9. Your picnic looks fun. I love that muffin tin idea.

  10. I just LOVE that you had a picnic indoors! VERY cute!!!!

  11. I've seen the Muffin Tin Monday before, but it was so long ago I'd forgotten about it! I am so going to be in on this next week. I love your muffin tins - so cute. the kids seem to be enjoying it, of course. :)

  12. That's so cute...what a fun idea. Congrats on being featured :)

  13. This is a brilliant idea. I am going to steal if that is ok for my little girl. Happy Sits day. Your blog is wonderful.

  14. I think my kids would love this!!
    Exspecally my 4 year old who cant stand his food to touch..

    Happy SITS day!!

  15. That is the greatest idea ever! I'm now following your other blog. I'm going to read more about it tomorrow after some sleep!

    Happy SITS day!!

  16. This is such a fun idea! My grandkids would love it! And I didn't know you had another to check it out!

    Happy SITS Day - enjoy it!

  17. Too cute!! =D

    Congrats on being Featured today!!

  18. Holy crap! What a GREAT idea! And so simple too. I love it and can't wait to try it. Thanks Sandy!

  19. Love love the muffin in picnic! And happy SITS day!

  20. I LOVE this idea!!! Happy SITS day!

  21. That muffin tin idea is super cute!

  22. Happy SITS day! love the muffin tin idea!

  23. Okay, that's just brilliant! I'll so be doing this with my 2 year old twins! Happy SITS Day!!!

  24. Glad I found you through SITS!

  25. Visting from SITS! I LOVE this. Now I want to go check out this muffin tin idea...

  26. What a fun idea! Anything to get my kids to eat!

    Congrats on the SITS feature!

  27. I think this is SUCH a cool idea! I can't wait to have kids...I really think kids love to eat with cool ideas like this. My parents used to let us have a "restaurant" every once in a while...we'd make up a menu with special things, like chocolate milk and lemonade, and let each kid/parent "order"...I remember it to this day!

  28. Everything tastes better when it's made by someone else! :) Stopping in from SITS. Have a great day!

  29. Love the muffin tin lunch!
    We bought a big separated plate the size of a placemat at Pottery Barn once - wish I could find one more. They're sooooo very handy for little kids that don't like food to touch!

  30. I'm liking this weeks selection a lot! ;-)

  31. What a great lunch!! Great idea take Muffin Tin AWOL to another blog.

  32. Just stopping in from SITS to say Hiya!
    Wow! Muffin Tins...fantastic idea!

    If you need something sweet just stop on by my blog and see what we are cooking up!

  33. This week's theme was fun! I've been seeing all the hamburgers and wishing I had done that!

  34. That is the cutest idea I have ever seen! I have to use that when I have kids!

  35. congrats on making the blog of the day on SITS....I love the muffin tin idea...Hummm I have 6 kids and that would work great....

  36. Oh my goodness!!! I love this idea! I am totally going to copy it. My girls will think I'm genius:)


  37. Oh my goodness! So cute! Love this idea~ I lose my mind with three kids (does it count that they are all boys?) How do you do it with 5?!?!

    Visiting from SITS! Congrats on your day!!!

  38. WOW! I was going to leave a comment but by time I finished scrolling down passing all the millions of comments I forgot what I was going to say!!!

    I've never seen so many comments on a Muffin Tin Monday Post!

    Thanks for sharing!!!

  39. this is such a cool idea! I wish I would have known about it when my kids were little! Now I will just have to try and remember to do it when my baby grand daughters are old enough!
    Hello from SITS, btw!

  40. How adorable!!! You are such a fantastic Mom!!!!!


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