Friday, May 1, 2009


I do so love the month of May.

Twenty years ago this month, Big Daddy and I became a couple! During the past twenty years, we have shared almost 17 years of marriage, 5 of the most gorgeous and perfect children on Earth, and countless good times! May is good!

Thirty five years ago this month, May 20, I was born! May is good!

This month is also the month to celebrate motherhood, the best job in the world! It's also the month of my Mom's birthday! My mom is truly the best there is! May is good!


  1. What a fun and exciting month you have ahead of you!!!!!!!!

  2. Congrats on being married so long! Mothers should be celebrated, its not easy work. =)

  3. I love May too! My second anniversary is in a couple weeks. My last anniversary I was hugely preggers with our first little babe. Looking forward to being able to partake in some bubbly this time! Congrats on so many years of happiness!

  4. Hi Sandy!
    Sure sounds like you have some exciting big events to celebrate soon!

  5. Wow, you are going to be busy this month:)

  6. My wedding anniversary is May 20th! We will be married 14 years this year. I knew it was a special day when I picked it!

  7. Happy May Day my friend. And I hope you have a Happy Birthday!!

  8. Sounds like a fabulous month is ahead for you!

  9. Hi Sandy! Congratulations, you have a lot to celebrate :-) I just wanted to say thanks for stopping by my blog and saying hello!

  10. My birthday is in May too!

    May is a month of great weather, too!

    Congratulations on 20 years of coupledom!

    My new url is

    I don't know if you just need to change the URL when you manage the blogs you follow or refollow in order for me to show up on your blogroll again. It shows I have the same followers, but I don't think my new posts will show up.

  11. Lovely tribute to a lovely month.

    Can you believe it is May already?

  12. Thanks for stopping by my blog! We have some similarities! I've been married 20 years, I have 4 kids that range from 17 to almost 3. and we both are in PA. ;-) Hope to see you around!

  13. Happy May!! May is a great month for you! :-)

  14. I love May too!! Everything is pretty and fresh, the pollen is gone and it isn't too hot yet. Perfection!!!!

    Happy Anniversary & Birthday!!!!!

  15. Love your blog! And love the tribute to the month of May, I hope it's wonderful for you.

    You can visit me at (that one's not listed publicly, it's my mommy blog)
    or (reviews, giveaways, general "stuff" stuff)
    and...screamin_deal if you tweet!

  16. Love, love, love May. My hubby and I went on a blind date on May 2, 1981 and have been together ever since. May means green in California, fruit trees in bloom, all the spring bulbs. Just a wonderful time of year. Anyway, sorry to ramble...I love May, too. Best wishes for a happy anniversary and birthday!

  17. wow! You look so young to be married for 17 years!
    wow! My birthday is just 8 days after yours!
    wow! Must be fun to have your mom's birthday the same month as yours!!


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