Monday, May 4, 2009

She Is Never Getting Married

We were having one of those days. You know the kind, "Stop touching me! No you stop touching me!" Lots of whining, lots of teasing! So of course, it was no surprise to me when I went upstairs to tuck Mady in for her nap to hear Felicia crying yet again. A sobbing cry in which she could not speak! She was really upset! I was sure that Aaron had done something really horrible to her. I was mad! Finally after many tries, she finally was able to tell me what horrible thing had happened.

Me-"Honey, calm down and tell me what happened. I can't help you if I don't know what's wrong! Did somebody hurt you?"

Felicia{shaking head}-"waaaaaaaaaaa!"

Me-"Then tell me what's wrong! Is Aaron teasing you?"

Felicia-"Yeeeeeeeesssssss! He said someday I am going to get married!"

Me{giggling}-" don't have to get married if you don't want too."

Long pause............

Felicia-"Can I just have a baby?"

I think I may be in trouble!


  1. OH NO!! That is so funny that she was THAT upset over getting married. I am glad that you posted this so you can remind her of it on her wedding day!!

  2. I love the innocence of children!

  3. Oh, that is funny! My kids had a whiney day like that, but nothing funny. Just annoying! :)

  4. wow, just remind her of this when she comes home and announces she's engaged! ;)

  5. Ah, from the mouths of babes. That's a good one for one of those "remember when you were little and said..." type of stories!

  6. You and Wife O Riley are the funniest today!!

  7. Oh yeah. Big Trouble. LOL But I love that she was upset at the thought that she might HAVE to get married. That's hilarious.

  8. Oh my gosh! Hilarious!!!'re not in have plenty of time to work on correcting that train of thought!
    So funny!!!

  9. Haha! Too cute!! Right now my daughter gets upset if she thinks she has to go to college when she grows up. "But I want to stay here with you!". Somehow I think she'll change her mind. ;-)

  10. Oh...that is TOO FUNNY! As they say...out of the mouths of babes! :)

  11. To which I hope that you promptly replied, no, darling, no. That is just not the way the world works. :)

    Ah, I love the blogosphere for the snippets of conversations that we are able to share with one another. It really is what it is all about, isn't it?


  12. Oh No! The convent she must go! he he

    My oldest wants to get married, but she doesn't want any kids.

  13. Just when you're at your wits end, they say something funny like that. Cute!

  14. Hahahaha! She cracks me up! Isn't this the same one who you are concerned might be a stripper someday? Lol!

  15. Well, she's a woman who knows what she wants. The joys of motherhood, without the pesky husband piece. ;)

    Thanks for stopping by my blog last month!

  16. Children truly know how to get a giggle. :)

  17. So funny!

    At least you'll get to be a grandmother.

  18. She is too cute!! You may have your hands full with her later though!! ;)

  19. Hilarious! That was too cute! And you said???



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