Monday, June 15, 2009

Random With a Touch Of Porn!

Well, I have been a slacker lately! Not much going on here but hanging out with my kids and enjoying the start of summer break. Saturday, Mike and I celebrated our 17th wedding anniversary! I can't believe Big Daddy has put up with me for that long! He's awesome! Of course we celebrated with pizza, duh! As if there is any other way! Seriously, after things stabilize at his job and we have some extra money, we will actually have a "date" night. A much needed date night!

Our weekend was normal and boring as usual. We had a family reunion yesterday and then we went to visit my Gramma. The girls spent the afternoon making oodles of bead necklaces with my Aunt and Cousin. They had a blast and found a new hobby in the process. After that, we took the kids out for ice cream! Felicia got a small cone which I believe may have been about a half a foot tall. Her cone broke and ice cream was dripping down her arms and all over that table! It was hilarious watching her try to keep up with the dripping ice cream! Her tongue definitely got a workout! I wish I had my camera with me:)

Oh yeah, about the porn. Yesterday(while at church!) I apparently sent porn to all of my Facebook friends! How about that? Me, porn?! It turns out that my account was hacked and the bogus messages included a worm. Not cool! Although I was mortified at first, now I can't stop laughing at the thought of my friends thinking I was naughty;0)

I hope something exciting happens this week for me to blog about! Until then, have a fabulous week!


  1. That hacking porn thing seems to be going around on Facebook. CRAZY!!


  2. I totally did not open up this blog post to see porn.

    I'm totally not disappointed that there wasn't any! You're such a tease! ;)

    Just teasing. Glad to hear things are going well.

  3. Haha...I saw that I had a note from you and then saw it was a link to a porn site! I said to my husband "Sandy must have been hacked because there is no way she would have sent this to me!!". ;-)

  4. Ha! I knew it was some computer geek with nothing better to do:)

    Happy Anniversary! We didn't have a date either for our anniversary. Maybe later in the summer.

    Get some Femo clay and you and the girls can make your own beads!

  5. If you're gonna send out porn, at least wait until after church next time, k?

    Happy Anniversary!

  6. Congratulations!!! At least church wasn't boring. Maybe I'll start doing that to keep me awake. I know I know you didn't know you were doing it.

  7. Girl..My facebook account got hacked this last week!!

    I just saw the snake pic below this post..OMGahh I am a snake-a-phobe...I know tha is not the correct term, but I hate those things! I would never have gotten close enough to take the picture!!

    Thanks for the welcome to SITS!

  8. Seriously?! It sent out porn?! That's hilarious! I bet you had fun explaining that one!

  9. Congrats to you & the hubs! I wish you many more happy years.

    Oh... and thanks for the porn. ;-)

  10. Aren't date nights fun?

    I have to snicker at your porn episode, especially since it happened at church.

  11. *giggle*

    That sounds pretty funny!

    Hope you are having a GREAT week so far!

  12. Ha porn that made me giggle xoxox

  13. Happy Anniversary. My hubby and I will celebrate ours on the 22nd. Not as many years though. Only 7 for us.

    What timing for the porn to go out while you were at church.

  14. Hey! I am back. I photo tagged ya! Come over and check it out, when you have time:)

  15. hahahaha on the porn.

    You naughty lady you!


  16. Oh - pizza is definitely WONDERFUL!!!

    I applaud your date night fun!

    Thanks for stopping by!

    -E :)

  17. Happy Belated Anniversary! Porn...snorty snort! That is hilarious!

  18. Wow 17 years! That's great. Happy Anniversary! Thanks for stopping by:)

  19. Oh my goodness twice over.
    Firstly 17 years? Tell me what your secret is, seriously? Right no marriage seems more like an endurance test - and it's only been 4 years :P

    And oh my #2 about the porn - naughty naughty facebook hacker though! I bet that raised a few eyebrows at church! lol

  20. Oh my! that is so embarressing. FB did that to me as well. It sent messages to all my freinds saying i had a secret tape of them. "What!" I got some messages on that one! LOL
    Thanks for the wlecome!


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