Monday, June 1, 2009

Sugar and Spice and Everything Nice?

Prior to 2004, I was a Mom of three boys. My three sons. We had trucks and trains and Legos. We dug in the dirt and played football. Soccer games were attended often. I loved being a mom so much that with each baby, it did not matter in the least what their gender was. I was so convinced that I was a "boy mama" that I was in complete disbelief when at my utlrasound for my fourth pregnancy, the tech said those words I thought I would never hear. "It's a girl!" It was exciting news. How could we be having a girl? After a few weeks of letting this sink in, I began to dream about the days when my little girl was here with us. Dressing her up in pretty dresses, her hair perfectly done. She would play with dolls and host tea parties for her big brothers. For surely she would have them wrapped around her little finger. She would be our princess!

Boy was I wrong!


  1. Haha!! I guess with 3 brothers for influence she would have to end up a little on the fearless, not so girly, side. ;-)

  2. Sandy:

    How funny....I never had boys but keep hoping maybe a grand son one day! LOL

  3. Please tell me that's a doctored-up photo and that's someone else's hand holding that slimy creature! Yuck!!!

  4. HILARIOUS!! she can still be a princess...who likes dirt and worms...look at Jordan and her love of FROGS!! and yet she is still a total girly girl...

  5. But who could possibly be expected to resist a slimy, dirty worm?

  6. Maybe she can wear a tiara while she plays with worms.

  7. That just made me giggle! I would rather have a worm lover.

  8. This sounds so familiar. My DD was not the cute frilly girly girl either. Maybe it has something to do with having older male siblings.

  9. Lol, glad she likes to have fun with the boys. She'll be a tough cookie growing up! :) Thanks for visiting my blog and sharing in the SITS love! You all are so welcoming. :)

  10. Hahahaha, it never turns out how you hoped!Stopping by from SITS!

  11. sweet! Lindsey is like this too! She doesn't want me to do her hair or wear dresses. Though, I don't think she would hold a worm:)

  12. LOL - My daughter is now almost 13, she was definatly a tom boy until about last year! Cracking me up! Thanks for the comments and I posted Vegas pictures - they'll give you some ideas of how it is.

  13. Hey, I am back. I have an award for you on my blog. Check it out when you have time:)

  14. LOL! I have one of those too. I had big dreams of pink and fru fru but boy did she show me.

  15. I thought for sure my daughter would be girly. No such luck! They're probably more fun this way anyway. : )

  16. Haha - that's funny. She's just one of the boys after all.

  17. Lol! Same thing when I was born! I had two older brothers and I was the first granddaughter and niece for either side so everyone was like 'huh?? what do we do with a girl?' lol! I was quite the tomboy for years!

  18. awww, i love this post.and that photo is perfect shot to capture everything you've said, hehehe. She's beautiful!

  19. *L* Yup, we can predict nothing with our little band of warriors and princesses. xx
    p.s. thanks so much for dropping by my blog! x


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