Sunday, July 5, 2009

How Did You Celebrate the 4th of July?

We made our traditional flag cake!
We cooked lots a yummy stuff on the grill and ate until we were stuffed!

Then, while the sky was still pink and we were waiting for darkness,
we caught a few fireflies!

The darkness finally came and with it the fabulous fireworks display!
It was a great day!


  1. Aw! I haven't caught fireflies in ages!

    I spent yesterday working and then went to a mellow party by the lake!

  2. My daughter loves catching them too except she tends to take the lights off and put them on her finger-yuck! Thanks for stopping by from SITS!

  3. We usually make a flag cake just like that!

    My kids have never even seen fire flies! They are really neat!

    Happy Sunday!

  4. I keep meaning to make that cake! Looks like you had a fabulous 4th!

  5. I'm glad you had fun! Although touching a can do.

  6. Looks like a wonderful time. I make a version of that cake that uses a packet of dream whip mixed with a box of pudding for the frosting - delicious any way you make it!

  7. Love these shots! We just hung out...the family was all home and it was a lot of fun. Stopping by from SITS to Share Some Comment Love...

  8. That sounds like the most perfect 4th ever!

  9. What a fun day you all had!! I bet that cake was yummy too!

  10. I always wanted to make that flag cake! I will just borrow yours:)

    The sky in the backgroud with Felicia and the bug is beautiful. Nice picture Sandy!

    ps. I tagged ya! When you have time, please check it out.

  11. Beautiful sky! LOVE the pink.
    Sounds like a great holiday. just perfect :)

  12. Cute cake.
    Cute shirt.
    Cute pictures.


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