Monday, July 13, 2009

The Flea Market Find

For as long as I can remember, my Dad has been a frequent flea market shopper. He has come home with some pretty great finds. Antique furniture, jewelry, etc. and some not so great finds, such as the ugly elephant cookie jar that is being passed back and forth amongst family members. But, for the most part, not too bad. My kids have always enjoyed going to the market with their Poppy. He has taught them how to get a good deal on anything and if it's free, you take it! Somebody could use it! Right?

That was how he and Brandon spent Sunday morning. Off to the flea market they went, only to discover that their trip turned up nothing. Until, they passed a tiny hand written sign along the road......FREE PUPPIES! That's right, FREE! That's my dad's favorite word! FREE! So here it is!

This is Buddy! Cute, right?!

He is Brandon's new best friend! (only he has to live at Nana and Poppy's house)

I have to admit, he is cute!

I felt really bad leaving him behind, because he did not stop following Brandon the entire time we were there! He even followed him to the car! Poor Buddy:0( As for Poppy, he is forbidden to pick up free puppies along side the road! But he still will;0)


  1. That is hilarious. Buddy is adorable! And it looks like he and Brandon have bonded. Silly Poppy for getting a free puppy!

  2. How adorable! My grandfather was just like that. We have great stories! I bet your son had a forever-memory that day! I so loved your story:)

  3. Great story! Nothing much sweeter than a puppy, in my book...and harder to resist!

  4. Free is free! That puppy is so cute, I would have a hard time passing him up too.

  5. Oh he is so cute!! Nothing like a puppy to tug at the heartstrings!

  6. That is the best flea market find ever! Especially since it's not at my house! ;)

  7. Oh how adorable!!! Poppy rocks..

    I can't wait till we get our puppy...

  8. Thanks for stopping by my blog. What a cute blog you have!! I love the puppies:)

  9. Awe.... Buddy is so cute! Poppy's are good for surprises like that.

  10. Free is good! Buddy is a cutie!

    Still a good move keeping him at Poopy's;) Our newer dog, Parker, has chewed a hole in our carpet!! Ugh!

  11. That is so cute! I love the free part, that makes Buddy even cuter!

    congrats on the new "away from home" addition to your family! :)

  12. He is pretty cute! We gained a new family member due to a "free" sign this week too. Ugh!

  13. You are soooo lucky. A free puppy AND he doesn't live at your house. That is about as good as it gets. (I wish our dog lived at my in-laws.) :)

  14. He is the cutest! I can't believe he was free! We never have free puppies at our flea market:-(

  15. SO CUTE!!!!!

    I agree, 'free' anything is a yes from me too!

  16. Awwww! He is so sweet and I don't even LIKE dogs, lol!! I bet Brandon is missing the little guy tons!


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