Thursday, August 27, 2009

...and away they go!

Brandon and Felicia headed off to school this morning! Both were up bright and early. Felicia wanted to leave the house at 7:00 am, a little too early! I am so proud of her! She smiled like that all the way to school and did not appear to be nervous at all! Brandon on the other hand was. He was nervous for her!

*Sadly I have no pictures of the elusive teenager Michael from his first day. He was just not in a picture taking mood!


  1. Some of these school systems start late in the month! There's actually a movement here in Nashville to go back to the way it was 20 years ago, where kids start back in late August. I think that's the way it should be. Some of our schools were starting back August 3rd!!!!!!!!!

  2. I love the first day of school. I can believe your son (the teenager) would not have his pic taken. Very cute kids.

  3. How do you think Madelyn will handle being all most of the day now? I'm sure she'll miss her big sister! ; )

  4. That is just so sweet that big brother was nervous for her! I just love that. Nothing better than the love of an older brother. I should know, I am one!

    Love and Prayers,


  5. They are so adorable!! I hope that their first day is a great one!!

  6. Cute kids! I hope that mine will let me take their pictures when they are teenagers! But ... at least he went to school!

  7. I hope they have fun this year. Are you going to enjoy another school year off for you?

  8. a teen, I was not loving my picture being taken:)

    I think that is so sweet he was nervous for Felicia! The pic on your sidebar of Felicia is great. She is model ready:D

  9. Felicia has the same smile Bella had, lol! SO EXCITED!!!

    Was Maddie really sad to "miss out"? Poor thing. What are you going to do when she goes off to school as well?? You'll be a woman of leisure, lol! (not!)


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