Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Chivalry Is Not Dead!

Last week, the second week of school, we got a phone call from the principal. Ugh! What did Brandon do now? You see my son has inherited the "smart ass gene" from my hubby and myself. Double whammy! Immediately, I defer to Big Daddy! I do not deal well in situations that involve civil conversations with school officials. Don't get me wrong, if my kids do something wrong, they must "pay the piper". However, if they have been wronged...look out! I tend to transform into a Momma lion protecting her young! Sending Mike was the best choice in this case!

Here's how the story goes. My son has a good friend, a girl, whom he has been close to for a few years. Not a boyfriend/girlfriend kind of thing, just friends. She is a very sweet girl, but kids tend to be mean to her because she is slightly overweight. Last year, the kids in school became increasingly cruel to her, so Brandon began walking her to the bus at the end of the day to ward off their nastiness! As school started this year, so did the bullying once again. One boy in particular started his verbal attack on this young girl and my son stepped in! He warned the other boy that if he did not stop, there would be a problem. Indeed there was! The other boy's mother called the school and complained about Brandon threatening her son. I'm afraid that he may have left out a bit of the story, the part where he was being disrespectful and degrading to this young girl. As for my son, I must be doing something right, because I can't help but be proud of him for defending her!

You see, I have always been very passionate about teaching my sons to respect women. Before I met Mike, I dated a man (and I use that term loosely) that had no respect for women. I was a typical rebellious teenager and had no time to listen to people tell me to stay away from him. It all ended one day when things became physically violent and my father found this man crawling out the front door of our home. My parent's didn't raise a fool after all! I could defend myself and I did!

I truly hope that all the kids involved have learned a valuable lesson. For the bully, I hope he learned that he really should be respectful to women. Being threatened by a boy may be scary, but being beaten up by the girl who just can't take it anymore would be really hard to live down. This young girl, I hope will learn to stand up for herself and not let them break her spirit. She is way to good for that. For my son, I hope that you continue to prove that chivalry is not dead!


  1. Bravo!!! I'm so proud of your son too! Doing the right thing can be hard, for anyone, especially a teenager. Great parenting at work here!!

  2. Wow! Good on Brandon! Good job!
    My daughter has a bit of a weight problem and the nasties have just started. I think she has a good group of friends right now and hope that they will stick up for her if she needs it. But she's learning Taekwondo in the meanwhile, just.in.case.
    You'll have to tell more about how you made your ex crawl out the front door sometime. That sounds very interesting!

  3. Sandy you must be incrediably proud! I would be...

  4. That is a wonderful story! I hope I can say the same of my boys when they are older!

  5. Now he is going to be a wonderful husband for somebody some day! How wonderful that he stuck up for her. It's a rare thing these days for teens to speak out like that. Good job raising him, momma!

  6. You and Mike should be proud of the terrific children you have raised. That is fantastic... Way to go Brandon!

  7. That is so awesome!! I hope to raise my son to behave in the same way!!

  8. Love it. You gotta love those moments where all you can do is sit back and be proud of not only your child, but of yourself for having done something right!!! :) Congrats for the reminder of being a great momma!

  9. Good for your son! And I hope the principal ended up getting the story straight!

  10. Great job Mom and Dad!! Also, bravo Brandon!! To bad there is not enough of this boys around.

  11. Lovely to see a young man standing up to bullies and protecting his friend. Cudos to Mom & Dad for raising him right and supporting his actions.


    p.s. found you blog on SITS


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