Tuesday, September 22, 2009

It Always Confuses Me...

... when I find random body parts on the floor. Strangely, we have no toys that this would attach to. Odd?!


  1. Funny! It reminds me of that movie Toy Soldiers. You've probably had a toy war in your livingroom when you were out... Little Army guys sneaking thru the window to get kicked by the Barbies. Looks like the Barbies won!
    There was a phase when there were Polly Pocket accessories on the carpet. I'd just vacuum them up... That and Lite Brite bits...
    I'm glad we're past that!

  2. Funny. I'm sure my one year old will be doing things like this soon enough.

  3. We got all the way home from Hannah's dance class before I realized Eli was holding one of the toys from their toy room. The arm may have snuck in from somewhere. ;-)

  4. I know I have found things like this in my kids' pockets that they must have found outside on the playground. It always grossed me out.

  5. LOL! Very funny! I'm so OCD that it would drive me crazy looking for the armless dude though!

  6. Okay...Mady's visitors are gettin' a little scary:)

  7. Ahhhh...I would feel so at home at your place!


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