Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Taking a Much Needed Break!

I can't believe it has really been a few weeks since I last blogged! It's crazy how getting behind sort of snowballs rather quickly. The truth is, I have been trying to take care of a few things around the house and have put this blog on the back burner. I am sorry for that. I do promise, that when I get myself together, I will be sharing some rather exciting news with you all. But not just yet!


  1. Thats good you are keeping your priorities in order!

  2. No pressure here, your readers/supporters will be here looking forward to read all about your exciting news. NO WORRIES! Russell Simmons wrote a book a few years ago entitled DO YOU. So go on on and do you girlfriend. We'll be just fine.

  3. Enjoy the time off!! I'm not sure because I haven't done it yet, but I think you can accomplish MUCH MORE when you take a break from blogging. ;-)

  4. I think bloggy breaks are good for all of us. Plus, the house does seem to be a little more under control when on a bloggy vacay.

  5. AHHHH!!!!!!!! Is it!!!!!!!

    Well, I guess I have to wait;) Is it!!

    We all have to take a break every now and then or we would get burned out. I am just glad you are okay.

    Is it!!??

  6. I did the same thing during this preganancy. Trying to blog more these days, bubaby is coming in 7 weeks and I need to get my girls into a new room and a nursery ready- yeesh.

    The new blog looks great! There is an award for you over at Creative and Curious Kids! Here's the link:

    Take Care,

  7. Enjoy your break!! I've been so bad at keeping up with all the blogs I've been following and finding many of them no longer even exist! YIKES!

    Do come back, k??? BIG HUGS!!!

  8. it's hard to remember that our blogs are not truly a priority! No need to apologize. I am stopping by from SITS :)

  9. What a lovely blog! Stopping by from SITS! Have a great week!

  10. Thank you SO MUCH for the ring suggestion. I think it is PERFECT!

  11. We all need a break at some time.

    Stopping by via SITS to say hello. Harriet

  12. Some things are just more important than others. Thanks for stopping by to say hi today! ~Lanie

  13. Happy birthday to your daughter!

    Kidding! I saw your comment on SITS and I thought it was so ridiculous!

    Good for you for taking time off, I've been debating the same thing lately. I guess I'll have to keep coming back to check on that exciting news! I have a thing for surprises:)

  14. Stopping by from SITS! Hope you're enjoying the break but looking forward to seeing more soon! Cheers!

  15. Big ((HUGS)) Bloggy breaks are often very needed and hopefully you will come back feeling refreshed!

  16. I REALLY hope you come back soon! I am making an alphabet book with my daycare kids based on the alphabet pages you were sharing...and ended on "P". XOXO


Thanks for visiting! Come back again!