Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Happy 101

Let me first start this post with an apology. I have been a bad bloggy friend. In the past, although I have received a few blog awards for this blog and my retired blogs, I have not been so good at posting them. I am very sorry for that! I am always ever so thankful that you have thought of me, but, I'll admit it, I'm lazy and at times forgetful! But, new year=new start, so I promise to be a better bloggy friend!

With that out of the way, I proudly accept this Happy 101 award given to me by artsy_momma from Handprint and Footprint Arts & Crafts! Please check out her blog! It is awesome!
In order to accept this award, I must list 10 things that make me happy! My pleasure!

1. Waking up every morning knowing that I am a Mom! What an awesome feeling!

2. My hard working Hubby! He is amazing!

3. Having the ability to be a stay at home Mom! It really is the best job ever!

4. Sunshine!

5. Getting crafty with my kids!

6. Cooking and baking! Love it!

7. True friends!

8. Chocolate cake!

9. Turning up the tunes and dancing like nobody is watching!

10. Learning that good people get great news like this!

Now to pass this award on to 10 of my favorite blogs!

1. Yaya Stuff

2. Vickie's Scrapbooking and Tidbits

3. Jeannie's Happy World

4. Muffin Tin Mom

5. Straight Form The Heart

6. Tara in the ATL

7. Funny Days With Mommy and Maddie

8. Casa Camacho

9.Finding Trinity

10. Nobody Listens To The Girl

I could go on! There are so many great blogs out there!


  1. Awww, thanks so much Sandy.

    And Congrats on your award ~ you totally deserve it ;)

  2. Congrats Sandy on your award! I am also very bad at posting awards....

  3. Isn't this a fun award! Too cute! I hardly ever post mine either...I just keep adding them to a drafts post and eventually post them all at once!!

  4. Congrats on the award! Thanks so much for grabbing my button, I'm going to peruse around and grab yours as well!

  5. I love your happy list...especially number 10~ how thoughtful!
    On a side note.... how did I forget to add chocolate to my happy list?!

  6. I love your list, too! Very similar to what mine would be. Congrats on your award!

  7. Ah! Thank you so much!!! YOU make me happy too!!

  8. thanks for stopping by on my SITS day! Enjoy your blog award!

  9. Awe! Thanks Sandy! Hey. I am bad too at awards. Another one of my resolutions was to get them taken care of right away. Already broke it. Been holding on one for a week now. Bad, BAD!!;)

  10. That award is beautiful!

    What fun facts! I love that you added Yaya's news in there. That news made so many of us happy in the blogosphere. :)

  11. Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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