Friday, February 26, 2010

The View From My Front Window

Another snow day for us! Although, I usually love snow, this is just too much winter even for me. Normally we would be outside playing in it and taking wintry walks, but the little ones have colds and it is much too windy to be outside. I'm really starting to feel like a prisoner in my own home. The good thing is, we are all home and we can stay in our jammies and have another movie day. The bad thing, when the weather is nice, our kids will be sitting in school making up a ton of snow days!


  1. Wow! Enjoy your movie day. But yes, I was wondering how late into June the school year is going to go for all the kids!

  2. Good morning! A snowy, movie day sounds like fun! Sorry you feel like a prisoner...I would bake you a cake with a file in it but I think staying home in cozy weather sounds like fun! visiting you from SITS.

  3. you all have really been hammered with snow this does look pretty though...
    Happy friday Sandy

  4. We are SO tired of the snow here in Iowa!!!

  5. I don't know what is worse, a snow day you can't enjoy, or having to make it up in the summer. But in the meantime, drink lots of hot cocoa, and pretend you live in an igloo... that always helps me.

  6. I'll enjoy a little Texas sunshine for you today.

  7. It really has been a crazy winter this year!!! Enjoy your movie day in jammies!

  8. i want snow. maybe because it doesn't snow here in florida. but still.

  9. Our snow is about all gone :)

    Stopping by via SITS to say hello.
    Have a great day!

  10. More snow...oh my! Try to enjoy your time with the white stuff...although I think people are getting a little tired of snow.

  11. Thanks for stopping by!

    That looks like the scene from my front window - it snowed again last night!

  12. I agree! I live in CT and I'm definitely ready for Spring :-)

  13. Cold, wintery weather! On my side of the world, we're having a scorching hot weather!!!

    Thanks for dropping by my blog and welcoming me to SITS! ^_^

  14. You guys got hit hard this winter. How many snow days did you have? We had just one so we are within our limit.

    Nothing wrong with staying in your jammies;)

  15. We've been using food coloring and water to "paint" the snow. We also build snow castles and throw snowballs at trees. We're past the mundane snowman and snow angel stage. Might as well make the most of it. What else can you do?

  16. A movie day sounds great to me! All our snow melted. You don't get many snow days in NYC :( But they got more this year then they have in the last 5 years combined!

    Stopping by from SITS!

  17. We had a similar view from our front window this morning! (We got over 3 inches total I think) All week it has been lovely but now I find that it was just pretending to be Spring!


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