Sunday, April 11, 2010

My Apologies....

As you can see, I have been a blog slacker once again. This past week has been very busy and so exhausting. As a result, I have spent much of this weekend with my feet up once again. I even forgot to post my Friday Book project and actually only wrote one post all week. Whew! I hope to catch a break soon, so I can catch up here. Unfortunately, I don't see that happening anytime soon. Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday of this week, Aaron has PSSA testing for school. That means we have to get up early every day to get everyone out the door to drive to the testing place. Normally, I love doing this because there are a lot of great shopping places in that area, but I am far too exhausted to enjoy shopping. So, I'll catch up here as soon as I can. Thanks for sticking around! :0)


  1. I have been a blog slacker too, but that's what so great about our type of blogger - mommies. We get it... we miss you... and we all get this way.

    Good luck with testing! Have a great and safe week and keep them feet up!


  2. I have been quite the sporadic poster the last little while myself. Life gets in the way, as it should!!
    No apologies, Darlin ;)

    Enjoy yourself..

  3. No worries...I read you because I like your posts...not because of how often you blog! ; ) Hope you get some much needed rest!

  4. Hope you get enough rest to get you thru the week! I've got a busy one coming up too. ALMOST can't wait until summer break, but know what's scheduled during that time too. AHHHGG! Good luck!

  5. Yep, no worries at all, I slack a lot too. Then I go through spurts when I do awesome. And then I slack. And by "slack" I just mean the rest of my life gets in the way.

    Just like you. :)

  6. I have been like that for a few months now, but the people who matter still come by when I post. But, I am hoping by the end of the month I will want to post more often. I will be back to being a SAHM. I will no longer be working. Like Lisa posted, we are mommies and we understand and know what is going on. You are running a household.

    Take it easy, not only are you running a household but you are making a person:)

    I hope the week goes smoothly for you and the fam!!

  7. Take it easy honey!!! You're making a baby!! THAT'S A BIG JOB!!!!

  8. Blog slacker mood is okay. Take your time.

    Hugs and Mocha,

  9. I hope everything is OK!! Keeping you in my prayers!

  10. Don't feel too bad. I'm probably the queen of blog slackers. Life has a way of getting busy and distracting you.


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