Saturday, May 1, 2010

Recycled Greenhouse

Lately, the girls have been really interested in growing things from seeds and gardening in general. I love that! Digging in the dirt and watching things grow is one of my favorite things to do with them. This week we planted some more flower seeds using a recycled container from the grocery store bakery. It created the perfect little "greenhouse" and the seeds started to sprout very quickly! Soon, we will have more beautiful blooms to add to our flower garden. Simple things like this get the girls very excited and make them so proud!


  1. Ok, that's like Martha Stewart brilliant. I'm totally going to do to hunt up some old chinese food containers!

    Thanks for stopping by and making my SITS day such a wonderful experience. Your time and your words mean the world to me.

    Lots of yummy love,
    Alex aka Ma, What's For Dinner

  2. So fun! I bet they will grow up LOVING to garden!! :)

  3. OMG! That is a cool idea! I am gonna by a cake just to do this;) Though, I might.


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