Friday, September 3, 2010

Week One=Success

I'll admit, I was a bit nervous about having 3 kids at home for school this year. Aaron had been doing quite well without the distractions of a regular classroom, but I was not sure how he would handle having Michael here this year. Not to mention, Madelyn is home doing K-4. The beginning of the week was rough. Michael's supplies had still not arrived by Monday, which was the first day of school. So, Aaron and Madelyn got started and Michael slept till noon. But Tuesday morning, an angel(the Fed Ex driver) arrived with many packages and we were on our way. Things have been running smoothly and everyone is learning as they should be.

Here is Madelyn arranging the letters of the alphabet in order. She loves school and would probably do it from morning to night if I let her.

The boys work very well together, but at times, I do have to stop them from laughing across the table at each other.
So, week one has been a success! Hopefully, the rest of the year will go by without too many bumps along the way!


  1. Sounds like you are off to a great start.

  2. Well done! Teaching three sounds like quite a challenge. I just love the thirst for learning the little ones have. I haven't had to experience teaching a big one yet. :)

  3. You are amazing for doing all that - I hope things continue to go well for all of you!


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