Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Indian Corn Craft

Paint and bubble wrap are two of Madelyn's favorite things. So this craft was extra fun for her, except that I had to constantly remind her that she couldn't pop all the bubble wrap or it would not work!

To make this craft you will need:

To get started,



Now just,

I hope you have as much fun making this craft as we did!
I've linked this post up here:

Best toys for toddlersabc button


  1. We painted bubble wrap once - very fun project and I love the idea of turning it into "corn". :)

  2. Love this! So cute! I saw Indian corn cupcakes on another blog that would be so cute to do with this!

  3. My girls and I love making "corn" this way as thanksgiving cards but we trace our feet for the corn shape!! : )


    pink and green mama,

  4. Fun, fun, fun!!! You're such an awesome, crafty Mommy!!!!

  5. Hi Sandy! This is such a cute little project! I just found you from SITS and I love your blog! I am now following you and it would be so nice if you could share the love back on my blog:)
    Oh and just a heads up, today is the first day of our Show Yo' Flow Campaign, so stop by to see the interview with Tiffany and maybe snag one of the awesome prizes she has for our readers! Happy Wednesday!

  6. Oh my goodness, so creative and CUTE!!! I definitely have bubble wrap so we gotta try that!

  7. Awesome Sandy!! Only...I don't have bubble wrap, oh well;)

  8. We're having Thanksgiving themed linky this week. Stop by and add your posts: http://best-toys-for-toddler.blogspot.com/2010/11/fun-with-toddlers-linky-party.html

  9. This is such a great way to reuse bubble wrap. The corn looks great.

  10. This is a perfect idea for our "Thanksgiving Crafty Week" thank you for sharing!!!

  11. Thank you for adding your post into our weekly linky! This week's linky theme is everything about child's favorite cartoon character so come by and add your posts if you have some with this topic: http://best-toys-for-toddler.blogspot.com/

    PS. I've featured this post in our new linky ;)

  12. i LOVE your blog! I've bookmarked so many great ideas! Thank you so much!


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