Monday, November 15, 2010

No, I Did Not Follow The Rules-Muffin Tin Monday

We had a super busy morning today.  But, I still wanted to throw together a muffin tin meal for Madelyn because she loves her Muffin Tin meals and we did not have one last week (although I did not follow the theme for the day). So, here is what she ate for lunch today. The chocolate covered pretzels were a special treat for being so patient while we were running errands. She was especially happy about that! Happy MTM!
Click the button to join in on all the Muffin Tun Monday fun.
Muffin Tin Monday at Her Cup Overfloweth
Today's theme is Eating Healthy/The Food Pyramid. Hey, I was not that far off. Except maybe the chocolate covered pretzels.  :0)


  1. I don't know, I consider chocolate to be healthy. Was it dark chocolate, at least?

  2. Looks perfectly healthy to me:)

  3. What a great tin! JDaniel is going through a big turkey phase right now. He would love this lunch.

  4. well isnt that cute I suddenly feel inadequate LOL

  5. The circle "thing" is great! What is it and where did you find it? I've never seen something like it before. Does it have circles cut out in it for the muffin tins to fit into? Your muffin tin looks so good! My son would gobble that one up without a problem!

  6. I don't know about the food pyramid, but I am sure chocolate must be a category! It is at my house anyway! Wink! ;-)

  7. I'd definitely eat the pretzels first. :)

  8. Leesa,
    The circle is a microwave muffin tin. It belonged to my Grammy. Not sure how it would work for muffins, but it certainly works great for muffin tin Monday!


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