Friday, December 31, 2010

The "Life" in Our Year-April and May

In April, I did a whole lot of this...

and not much more. I was at the point in my pregnancy where I began counting down every second. I was tired.

Then May arrived, and I was so glad I relaxed a lot in April because we were very busy!

Felicia had her first music program at school.

It was very sweet. I remember her looking up and finding us in the crowd. She smiled and shyly waved. Then she started getting really embarrassed when she saw her Daddy taking pictures. But, she did a fantastic job! We were so proud of her!

Also in May, I participated in my very first Relay For Life...
Survivor lap. In front: My Uncle Rod and Aunt Pam Behind them to the left: My Mom
It was awesome and I can't wait to participate again this year! If you are interested in donating I would greatly appreciate it!

That same weekend, Michael went to his first prom!
How gorgeous are they?

And then, finally....

...a star was born on May 30, 2010! Stella Lynn Adams. Totally worth the wait, and swollen ankles, and indigestion, and back ache, and....

She was the perfect ending to our month.

More of our year is coming soon...

1 comment:

  1. Did I realize that we had our girls so close? I went in to get induced on the 30th and had Oriana on June 1st. (and I didn't realize you have SIX kids! You really have it together, Mama!)


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