Monday, December 27, 2010

The "Life" in Our Year-February 2010

In February, 

it snowed.

A lot.
It's a good thing we like snow around here. Well most of us. Big Daddy is NOT a fan.
My most memorable moment from the month was taking the kids sledding at my Pappy's house. It brought back some fond memories of my childhood and made my Pappy smile. All. Day. Long. The kids had so much fun speeding down the hill and taking turns pulling each other back up the hill. And, I may or may not have taken a ride down the hill myself. {Even though I was pregnant} But, let's just keep that one between us. Big Daddy would have a fit! {hehehe}

By the end of the month, I had a new best friend.

The rest of our year, to be continued....

1 comment:

  1. That looked like fun!

    We also have a neighbor who has helped me out with snow. Blessing!!


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