Thursday, December 23, 2010

The "Life" in Our Year-January 2010

And in the End, it's not the Years in your Life that Count, it's the Life in your Years.
-Abraham Lincoln

The end of the year is fast approaching, so I thought it would be fun to share some of our memorable moments of 2010. I really can't believe that this year is almost over. Talk about time flying!

January did not start off so good for us. There was no celebrating the New Year, because we were very sick with some horrible stomach thing. Yuck! But, after we recovered, we welcomed 2010 just a little late. We were looking forward to great things happening as we were expecting our 6th bundle of joy. January was the month that it was confirmed we were having another girl. We were finally going to have our Brady Adams Bunch!

January was also the month that Madelyn made her first ever Ebay purchase.
Lesson learned. Well, actually not fully learned until she made her second and much more expensive Ebay purchase. Thankfully, the seller had a sense of humor and let me off the hook. I really don't have much use for a designer gown in a size 6. 

What I remember most about January is that it was so cold. We spent a lot of time inside and it seemed like everyone was going stir crazy! Unfortunately, we still had a lot more winter ahead of us!

The rest of our year, to be continued.....


  1. LOL love the purchase. That's cute! Good memory
    Hope you'll pop by my blog and peek at my Christmas post.
    Rebecca from The Blessings of Modern Domestication

  2. LOL! I remember that!!

    What a great idea for a blog series!!

    I hope your Christmas was fabulous and I can't wait to see your photos!!!


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