Saturday, February 19, 2011

A Fun Day!

Today we took the girls to the mall for the Children's Fair. It was a fun day full of activities just for little kids.
They made newspaper hats,

got their faces painted,

worked their way through an obstacle course and lots more!

I'm so glad they had it today, because the weather has turned cold again and was quite blustery, so inside was the best place to be.

In other news, little Miss Stella has started pulling herself up! 


  1. That sounds like it was a fun day for the kids.

  2. Wow, looks like such a fun day and Congratulations Stella on the latest developments :)

  3. :) What a great day! I wish we had things like that in this town...

  4. That sounds like such a great day! Stella pulling herself up terrifies me though because that's when the trouble starts! lol


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